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From the Author of No Land an Island and Unconscionable

Pondering Alphabetic SOLUTIONS: Peace, Politics, Public Affairs, People Relations




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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Excerpts, editing for Today’s Insight News
Basic translation, Bing Translator, http://www.microsofttranslator.com/Default.aspx

Remembering victims under dictatorship (1973 – 1990) and people’s struggle to protect and defend human rights

From a cornerstone laid two years earlier, Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet today opened her country’s Museum of Memory and Human Rights. This is some of what the president had to say at the ceremony.

No more Secrets
“Denial and concealment of captivity pain or death partnered the cruelty and the lie, hatred and indifference, fanaticism and intolerance ravaged a country in crisis. Deeply divided and confronted [the country] was unable to overcome differences in the frameworks of democracy.”

“The tragedy can have many explanations, but no justification … No reason someone can say that the crisis could justify gross and systematic violations of human rights because, in all circumstances ─ even the most critical human beings ─ we are obliged to ethical judgment.”

Strength in Honest Recall
“We cannot change our past; we can only learn from the experiences … This is an opportunity and a challenge which is only possible from memory ─ through the memory of contemporaries and transmission to future generations.… Doing so makes us better, stronger, because [it] warns of the ways that we [should] never go as country.”

Collective, “tireless work and analysis of the testimonies and evidence left by victims and perpetrators, allowed [us] to establish the facts and its leaders; as well as [to gain full awareness] of the depth of the damage done to the country.”

Tribute to People, their Unity
“… [It] is clearly the representation of Chile ─ A Chile who loves freedom, truth, justice, but above all things, that believe in the dignity of its people.”

“The opening of this Museum is a powerful signal of the force of a United country, based on shared commitment to never return to suffer a tragedy such as that in this place we will always remember.

“… It is essential to preserve our unity and coexistence [and] preserve truth and justice which has both cost us [to] reach.”

Space Dedicated to People, easy access to their knowledge, history
“This Museum is a space for the construction of the memoirs in Chile … a public space to understand, evaluate and learn.”

The museum’s three floors of documents, testimonies, objects, and audiovisual material on the period of dictatorship (1973 – 1990) spreads 5,500 square meters [18,046 feet] and a square of 8,000 square meters [26,247 feet]. It houses a documentation center for public dissemination, a specialized library, an auditorium and the Memorial Plaza to be connected to the Quinta Normal Metro station.

Presidenta Bachelet inauguró Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos La Presidenta de la República, Michelle Bachelet, inauguró el Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, espacio nacional para el rescate de la memoria de las víctimas de la dictadura y de las acciones de protección y defensa de los derechos humanos que tuvieron lugar en Chile, entre 1973 y 1990.
Tr: President Bachelet opened Museum of memory and the rights human the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, opened the Memorial Museum and human rights, national space for the rescue of the memory of the victims of the dictatorship and the actions of protection and defence of human rights that took place in Chile between 1973 and 1990.
Government of Chile, National Council of culture and the arts, creating Chile, http://www.consejodelacultura.cl/portal/index.php?page=articulo&articulo=10963
Source: Published Presidencia.cl: Tuesday January 12, 2010; basic translation, Bing Translator, http://www.microsofttranslator.com/Default.aspx

Also from the Americas, breaking news is that the deeply struggling people of Haiti have been assaulted this evening by an earthquake measuring, preliminarily, 7.2 (5.1-5.9 aftershocks) on the Richter scale.

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