United Nations Geneva |
“Confrontation through rhetoric” is not “conducive to mutual
trust” -- world leaders to Washington
Editing, commentary by Carolyn Bennett
United Security Council considers Ukraine with several country
delegations speaking to the issue:
Lithuania, France, Jordan, Luxembourg, Chile, Australia, Chad, United States,
Republic of Korea, Argentina, Nigeria, China, Rwanda, and the United Kingdom.
he crudest, most undiplomatic behavior rises from U.S.
officials who hold a permanent seat (with France, United Kingdom, Russian Federation,
People’s Republic of China) on the undemocratic UN Security Council and undue influence over the inordinately powerful Council and over the whole body of the United Nations.
Ukraine highlighted |
August 28, 2014, at UNSC
SAMANTHA POWER (United States)
“Russia is not listening” … Instead of heeding the demands
of the international community, the Russian Federation at every step has come
before the Council to say “everything but the truth”. It has “manipulated, obfuscated, and outright
lied”. It is hard for me to imagine a cruder outburst from a so-called diplomat.
Destroyed by U.S. "Diplomats" U.S. Foreign Relations Policy and Practice |
Power, who seems to have worked mostly as a journalist, was born in Ireland and
raised in Ireland until she was nine. Her
parents immigrated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1979. From 1993 to 1996, Power
worked as a journalist, covering the Yugoslav Wars for U.S. News and World
Report, The Boston Globe, The Economist, and The New Republic (in 2007 for Time
Magazine). In 2005 and 2006, Power worked
in the office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama as a foreign policy fellow and
during candidate Obama’s 2008 run for the U. S. presidency, Power was one of
his senior foreign policy advisers. She resigned the position and left the
Obama campaign after calling one of the other contenders for the presidency “a
UN Security Council 5 Permanent Member States |
The person she called
a “monster” also has revealed herself to be crudely undiplomatic. And neither
of these people should have been given positions for which they are not only unqualified
and inadequately credentialed; but also are lacking in human sensibility and
respect for other nations and leaders. Nevertheless Wikipedia describes Samantha
Power as an “American academic, author and diplomat” now working as U. S. Ambassador
to the United Nations.
America can do better than this; and the world, including the United States of America, deserves better.
August 28, 2014 at UNSC
UN General Assembly 193 Member States |
VITALY CHURKIN (Russian Federation)
The UN Security Council must remember, the Russian
representative said, that “it was not designed to participate in guesswork or
spread accusations, but rather was charged with finding a solution to the
crisis.” The proposed press statement on Ukraine’s
crisis, Vitaly Churkin said, “should call for an inclusive political dialogue,
while urging the international community to redouble its efforts to provide
humanitarian assistance to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.”
In his statement, Vitaly Churkin wondered out loud what U. S.
advisers were doing in Ukraine and questioned “how Ukrainian security forces
had acquired such advanced weaponry.” He urged the international community to
send a message to Washington
stop interfering in the internal activities of sovereign States and restrain
your geopolitical ambition.’
August 28, 2014 at UNSC
South America Argentina Chile |
The Chilean representative called on all parties to cease
combat immediately, respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence; and “whoever
[are] those responsible for violations of human rights and the rule of law,”
bring them “to justice.”
Cristián Barros Melet called on all parties to seek a
peaceful solution through political dialogue. Refrain from carrying out activities
incompatible with the United Nations Charter. And unless authorized by the
Ukrainian government, withdraw all foreign troops from Ukraine.
August 28, 2014 at UNSC
The Argentine representative also pointed to “the primary
responsibility of the UN Security Council to maintain peace and security.”
María Cristina Perceval urged that “actors with the greatest
influence” should “use constructive diplomacy and bring the parties to a
constructive dialogue.” She urged UNSC members “to avoid confrontation through
August 28, 2014 at UNSC
WANG MIN (China)
People's Republic of China |
The People’s Republic of China noted two imperatives.
All parties should make “good use of various mechanisms for dialogue” and all parties should act “in a manner
that is conducive to mutual trust.”
August 29, 2014
The Russian Federation’s proposed text on the Ukrainian
crisis had substance but was met with hostility. The statement expressed
serious concerns about the deteriorating situation in south-eastern Ukraine. It
called for ‘immediate and unconditional ceasefire’ and the start of a dialogue ‘based
on the Geneva Declaration of 17 April 2014 and the Joint Berlin Declaration of
July 2, 2014’. It also called attention to the need to ‘multiply efforts to
provide humanitarian assistance to the population of the Donetsk and Lugansk
regions of Ukraine.’ However, under a frivolous pretext, the Russian delegation
statement calling for a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine was blocked at the UNSC. Russia’s
UN envoy Vitaly Churkin reportedly tells Itar-Tass:
Russian Federation |
‘The Russian delegation’s proposal
on declaration of a ceasefire was blocked under a frivolous pretext … The
Security Council as a result of destructive efforts of a number of its members
was unable to play its role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis.’
The Russians repeatedly drew attention to the casualties resulting
from continued violence. More than 2,000 people reportedly have died in this conflict
and the casualties are rising “exponentially,” Churkin said. But the fallout
does not stop there: as is happening across the Middle East and so across the
Mediterranean, homelessness, displacement, refugees are rising. “Russia,” the
RT report says, “is on the receiving end of the crisis.” In addition to feeding
and caring for Ukrainian military personnel, Russia is “handling over 814,000
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) |
Appealing as brethren and neighbors, Vitaly Churkin reportedly
says to Oleksandr Pavlichenko, Ukraine’s deputy representative to the United
Nations, “Unlike Western governments, ‘you and I know our region’ and
understand the ‘close relations’ between the two countries.’” Churkin went on
to reflect that
Western advisers who pushed Ukraine into demanding that separatists lay down
their weapons ‘either did not understand what they were doing or they were just
provocateurs seeking to completely destabilize the situation in Ukraine and to
spite Russia.’
he American response, however, continued in the character of
deliberate ignorance, insult, condescension, lecturing; fueling conflict by
driving divisions among people and states, supplying and supporting lethal
weaponry, personnel and hostile forces;
and expanding sanctions warfare against peoples and nations right across
eastern Europe, Asia and Africa, with ricochet, negative consequences, right
round the world. The practice and policy of U. S. foreign relations in the face
of the world is boorish, criminally inept, and unconscionable.
U.S. Foreign Relations Model Violence Hostility |
Believing that one nation is right in whatever it does or says, believing that its leaders and/or other officials are all-knowing or know what is best for the world is lunacy. When large numbers of people, whether national
leaders, populaces, or masses accept such lunacy -- we create and sustain a
dangerous state of world and domestic affairs wherein no nation or people are safe or free.
Sources and notes
their bit", http://www.bundesregierung.de/Content/EN/Reiseberichte/2014/2014-08-23-merkel-kiew_en.html;jsessionid=7546BB2C1DAC5AC3EE3D4856A6473AD2.s4t2
Security Council, SC/11541, Department of Public Information
• News and Media Division • New York, Security Council, 7253rd Meeting (PM): SENIOR
Parties to Seek Diplomatic Solutions, August 28, 2014,
representative of the Russian Federation said everyone knew there were Russian
volunteers in eastern Ukraine; no one was hiding that. He urged other countries also to be
transparent, questioning what United States advisers were doing in Ukraine and
how Ukrainian security forces had acquired such advanced weaponry.
on August 28, 2014, were representatives of Lithuania, France, Jordan,
Luxembourg, Chile, Australia, Chad, United States, Republic of Korea,
Argentina, Nigeria, China, Rwanda, and the United Kingdom.
Samantha Power, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Power
“Russia-suggested statement on Ukraine ceasefire blocked at
UNSC under ‘frivolous pretext’,” published time: August 29, 2014 02:12 ; edited
time: August 29, 2014 02:50 Get short URL
“Russia Say West Doesn’t Understand Its ‘Close Relations’
With Ukraine,” by Anna Dolgov, August 29, 2014 13:15 Last edited 13:16, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russia-say-west-doesn-t-understand-its-close-relations-with-ukraine-anna-dolgov/506123.html
Obama Says Russia’s ‘Invasion’ of Ukraine Not a Shift,” http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russia-say-west-doesn-t-understand-its-close-relations-with-ukraine-anna-dolgov/506123.html
“Corridor: Putin calls on Ukraine militia to let out
surrounded Kiev troops,” published time: August 28, 2014 21:21, edited time:
August 29, 2014 07:29, http://rt.com/news/183520-ukraine-russia-putin-militia/
Bennett's books are available in New York State independent bookstores: Lift Bridge Bookshop: www.liftbridgebooks.com [Brockport, NY]; Sundance Books: http://www.sundancebooks.com/main.html [Geneseo, NY]; Mood Makers Books: www.moodmakersbooks.com [City of Rochester, NY]; Dog Ears Bookstore and Literary Arts Center: www.enlightenthedog.org/ [Buffalo, NY]; Burlingham Books – ‘Your Local Chapter’: http://burlinghambooks.com/ [Perry, NY 14530]; The Bookworm: http://www.eabookworm.com/ [East Aurora, NY] • See also: World Pulse: Global Issues through the eyes of Women: http://www.worldpulse.com/ http://www.worldpulse.com/pulsewire